Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You Want a War on Christianity?

A plethora of blowhard Christians has lately been claiming that Christianity is under attack in some sort of cultural war. I assure you, if that were the case; I’d be in the front lines angling for a battlefield promotion. The big problem with Christianity is that it doesn’t get anywhere near the flack it deserves. Christians are so stuck on themselves for their supposed moral superiority that, if any other group tried it, their organs would be harvested to save the lives of sexual predators. Or at least that’s what I enjoy thinking in my more serene, contemplative moments.

Christianity is hopelessly undermined by its own contradictions. We are told that the Christian God is a kind and loving one and that we are all part of a great plan He’s put together like some bad travel agent. We are also told, however, that if we do not accept Christ as our savior, then an eternity of fiery Hell awaits us. Ouch. Of the world’s approximately 6.5 billion people, only 2 billion or thereabouts are at least nominally Christian. Conservatively, that means 70% of the world’s present population will be viciously tortured without respite forever, regardless of how good or bad they were in life, over a mere difference of opinion and that this is exactly what God had in mind from the beginning.

That is not a kind and loving God. That’s a God made to the order of Osama bin Laden: Something that ought to be painfully obvious to anyone willing to honestly face what they're being told.

To appreciate the sheer, staggering atrociousness of the Christian God, let us compare His behavior of to the person who is considered by popular acclimation the most evil human being who ever lived after Hillary Clinton: Adolph Hitler.

Hitler’s greatest crime, even greater than starting a world war, was the Holocaust, in which millions of supposedly inferior people were killed, including six million Jews who were killed just for being Jews. One of the things about the Holocaust that gives it its special horror is the industrial efficiency with which it was conducted by a supposedly civilized nation. Jews were worked to death, shot, hung and gassed. Oh, yes and at least one other thing too, the most gut-wrenching death of all: Some were tossed, still living, into crematoriums and burned very much alive. Wrap your brain around the sheer hideousness of that one, if you can.

But, let us give Hitler this much: Once the Jews were dead, as far as he was concerned, their suffering was over. Bad as it was, at some point it did come to an end. Unless, of course, you believe in Christianity in which case those Jews have never stopped burning. They are burning today and, indeed, will burn forevermore. Why? For being Jews. Small wonder Bob Novak decided to become Catholic.

On the other hand, we’re expected to fall all over ourselves into groveling obeisance just because Jesus spent a lousy three days on the cross. Compared to what He wants to do to most of us, that’s flyspeck shit. Entertaining the disconcerting possibility that Christians are actually right, the Son of God must certainly rate as history’s single greatest drama queen after Mel Gibson.

There was a time when the church controlled virtually every aspect of human society. That period is today known as the Dark Ages. There was another period where people said nuts to that and decided that human society should be based on where fact and reason takes it. That period is today known as the Enlightenment.

What an awful coincidence. Drink?